
Concept Creation: Collaborating with clients to understand their vision and requirements.

Scriptwriting: Creating a script that outlines the dialogue, narration, and action for the video.

Storyboarding: Creating a visual representation of the video's scenes, shot by shot.

Location Scouting: Visiting the location to determine best shots and lighting.

Planning: Creating a production plan, including scheduling, shot list, and equipment requirements.

On-site Production

Filming: Capturing the best footage according to the script, timing and storyboard.

Cinematography: Framing shots, selecting camera angles, and setting up lighting to create the intended visual style.

Audio Recording: Capturing clear and high-quality audio, including dialogue, sound effects, and music.

Gathering B-Roll: Capturing additional footage to enhance storytelling and provide context.


Editing: Creating a visual story worthy of your project. Collaborating with the client to review the draft and make necessary changes.

Color Correction: Adjusting the colors and tones to achieve a consistent look and mood.

Sound Design: Adding and enhancing audio elements, including dialogue, music, and sound effects. Recording and integrating any narrations or voiceovers.

Titling and Graphics: Adding titles, credits, and any necessary on-screen text or graphics. Incorporating digital effects, animations, and other visual enhancements if necessary.

Final Edit: Creating the final, polished version of the video and send to client.